Monday 5 November 2012

Hello all!

I have not put up a new post for a while now!! Fortunately for good reasons. I have been busy with ministry work and travelling, but I look forward to getting back to my blog therapy. I have much to share with you and all the amazing things that our Lord has been doing in my life. His faithfulness surpasses my understanding. He is so good! I am hungry for more of Him!

My blog post will be up soon my friends!! Talk to you then!

I have had the amazing opportunity to begin my public speaking and teaching sessions. It thrills me to share my story and to speak about the topics that both ignite my heart and sits as a burden upon it. My passion is to articulate the urgency of the Gospel, and how this moment in history is one that see's the gospel message transforming people and places at an astonishing pace. Christianity is now truly a global faith, and with it comes great blessings and many obstacles. Satan's counterfeit kingdom is hard at work in the world because God's redemptive plan is in full force. Let's look at the state of the world not through the eyes of the world and flesh, but through God's eyes. By doing so, we see how the Great Commission is pulsing with energy. In the midst of chaos and violence, there is great hope. My prayer to you is to be active in your faith. It is not enough to merely follow Christ with words, but rather He commands us to OBEY Him through actions. We are not merely His followers, we are His disciples.

I would like to quote an email my ministry received: " Whenever God's Spirit works powerfully to roll back the darkness by extending the Kingdom, you can always count on the darkness pushing back...."


Speaking to Chinese pastors and missionaries from China being trained to reach out to Muslims as part of the Back to Jerusalem Movement. The spirit of God was magnified in that room. It thrilled me to see the Chinese ignited to reach out to Muslims.
Speaking to the kids in Nashville about growing up Muslim and how to reach out to their Muslim neighbors and friends.  It was so exicting to see such young kids wanting to learn how to rech out to their Muslim friends. These kids represent the hope of the Gospel in the next generation.
Oasis Conference 2012 Panel


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