Wednesday 9 July 2014

NGLC - 2014

Some phrases that caught my attention during my time in Nashville with NGLC

Discipleship is apprenticeship – V
They are not the enemy. You can shoot me, but I am going to give them food. – Karen
We get very passionate against one another sometimes. – V
Be a lover of people – Jim O’Niel
“Efficiency is really bad strategy.” - V
“..Put up a tent of mediocre non fruit.” –V
“Christ is everything or He is nothing…..Christ is ALL, not first.”- V
“We will make mistakes in the process of moving towards one another.” - V
“I will not spend the second half of my life making excuses….. I will make mistakes towards obedience.” – V
“Put down the burden of that thing you invented by yourself.” – V
“The purpose of the fifty was to hear the one” – V
“It’s not the unity of collectiveness, but the unity of the Spirit. We do know how to do that.” – V
“Credibility comes from being in motion, not when you have arrived.” - V
Don’t let ministry become your idol. It takes away the God given power and capacity to fully engage in your ministry.
American’s are like Jonah – resistant to reaching Muslims. – Dave Ray
“At what time should you stop fellowshipping with yourself?” - V
Sometimes God chooses to speak to us through unjust jerks. – Dave Ray
The struggles, pains caused by people is used as an incubator to reveal to you, YOU. – Al Henson
“On my best day, I am a beautiful mess”
He left my heart here, so that my heart may be with the nations. – Al Henson
20 mile radius – 136 languages. Lighthouse Christian Fellowship – Al Henson
I really don’t like Church people. Be honest, most of you don’t. What is it about the fact that we get together in a Church that makes us go weird. – Mike Baer
“I asked, how do I connect with lost people. The Lord said, become like them.” – Mike Baer
I got to meet lost people in THEIR TURF. – Mike Baer
“…When it has a global flavor, it usually has the mark of God on it” – Mike Baer
Obedience is the coin of the Kingdom – Mike Baer
The great thing about reading books is getting mentored by people I haven’t even met… people who are even dead. But it’s also good to have living mentors. – Jim Jeffrey
Ask a question to listen. The best leaders are the best listeners and constantly ask questions. And when they speak, it really matters. – Jim Jeffrey
I think cancer burned all the junk in me that doesn’t matter… -John Bonar
I don’t create disciples, my job is to create and engineer an environment where God will grow them. – John Bonar
Key lessons are learned by watching behind the wall. – John Bonar
“I don’t want to leave a place where everyday I am dependent on my God, because I can’t create that place.”
You are beat up. That is a sign that you are doing the right thing. – John Bonar
Just as Harriet Tubman …”We are leading spiritual slaves to freedom. “
Even if you don’t believe, you belong. – John Bonar (his church philosophy)
I belonging before I believed. – Indian believer at John Bonar’s church
It is an ongoing dialogue between a discerning community and the Spirit of God – V
God’s blessings got in the way of me and God – Mariya
Truth without love is only noise – Fran Pratt