Friday, 25 October 2013

Proof and Trust

This blog post is a collection of thoughts during my last couple weeks of teaching and reflecting.

The Messenger is the proof of the Message.

 I have been relating this tag line for much of my teachings this past month. "Who we are" comes before "What we do." Often times in our sincere heartfelt passion to bring the light and love of Christ to the unsaved, we jump to strategies and "how to" methods without fully establishing a firm foundation and understanding of what it means to be the humble servant- adopting the incarnation model illustrated by Jesus Christ Himself.

Each culture and people we reach are unique. Therefore, the bridge we build to these cultures and people must be unique and look differently to one another. However, it must be understood that although each bridge may look different, "who we are"- the identities we carry over the bridge AND the message we carry must remain the same. The result: Authenticity of the servant, therefore, authenticity of the message. The result: Integrity of one's own identity and integrity for the culture and people we reach.

Here is the danger and hardship. Often times, when the "who we are" / identity that we carry over is tainted or compromised, so to is the message. The messenger IS the proof of the message. When the messenger is received, so is the message. "The one who receives you receives Me" It is more critical that Christ's messengers are "received" than "believed"

Here goes my frustration.....  how often do churches and sending agencies train the minds of missionaries  on the "how's" and "strategies" of missions, without genuinely preparing the messenger's heart in regards to ensuring that he or she stands on a solid foundation in the identity of Christ. Without the patience and proper molding of the servant attitude, the "doing" and "action" is compromised. In essence, the message of Christ is compromised. Ultimately, the salvation of the unreached people is compromised.

In my personal walk with the Lord and in my ministry efforts, I ask myself two questions and two questions only: Who is He? and Do I proclaim Him? These are simple, yet profound questions. By holding on to these two questions, I remain found IN Christ – and not lost in Christianity.

I     "Who is He?" is the seeking and attitude - the "Do we proclaim Him?" is the action and doing. We must possess both- they are extensions of one another. We are ineffective if we are one without the other. "Who is He?".... does not merely mean Lord or Savior... or the understanding of merely the cost of eternal salvation, grace, His love, freedom in Christ etc. We all can comprehend the cost, because we know the cross. The cost was Jesus Christ on the cross, crucified and killed for our sake. No, rather I mean, the value. Most of us do not comprehend the value. It is then when we truly know "Who He is."  If you know Him... I mean if you truly know Him, then "You would proclaim Him." Proclaiming Him then becomes not a "choice" but an automatic, authentic, passionate outpouring of our love for Him because we truly know who He is and the value of what He has given usIf you truly know Him - you LISTEN. As my pastor says: If you listen, therefore, you do. This is the parable of the sower.

Hey Humble Servant! Can you crystalize a deliberate impact for the Kingdom? I am talking about strategic missions versus aimless missionaries. "Be pure as a dove and sharp as a serpent" When I read that verse, I am reminded that the Lord has given us a heart and a mind to be utilized for His Kingdom cause. We must also remember that we now have a "Mind in Christ." Most of our missions efforts is propelled and fueled by a passionate heart to reach the lost. The heart leads, but the mind gives us wisdom to prepare, be aware, become listeners etc. The heart and mind of Christ within us must partner and go hand in hand in strategic missions. We are not to be aimless missionaries lost in a la la land by a naive heart. The early church in Acts was strategic. Why are we not?  "And they went through the region of Phrygia and Galatia, having been forbidden by the Holy Spirit to speak the word in Asia. And when they had come up to Mysia, they attempted to go into Bithynia, but the Spirit of Jesus did not allow them" Acts 16:6-7 We have a strategic God. We possess a strategic Holy Spirit that dwells within us.

·      My assessment to why we have become aimless is that in our self righteous arrogant selves, we still believe that we are in control. We forget that the Spirit must lead. The hardest thing in the humble approach in cross cultural communication or even in our daily walk is to TRUST THE SPIRIT. This is especially difficult for Western missionaries who have become hardened by the belief that they are teachers and not learners. Avoid do's and dont's in ministry approach. Of course we have the wisdom not to be idiots in new cultural settings, disregarding their values, beliefs and behaviors, but trusting that the Spirit can do what we can not! We assume that the success of our mission efforts depends solely on the effectiveness of our approach. Who do we think we are? That clearly means that we are in control and not the Spirit. The Spirit is the Chief communicator! The Spirit has the ultimate power to penetrate the message in the most restrictive cultures, circumstances and hearts. Even when we stumble and mess up, the Spirit is still in control. Don't we see that the Spirit can do more through our mistakes than through our success. I often say, even the enemies evils, God can use for our good. A pure heart and a humble mind require us to relinquish oneself to the awesome power of the Holy Spirit. I would rather partner and collaborate with the Holy Spirit than with man or even my own intentions.

These are the understandings that a humble servant must posses before attempting to build a bridge to the hearts of unreached people and cultures. This is all part of the molding, shaping and preparing of a servant attitude. The Lord does not send an untrained calf out for His cause, so why do we? I am speaking of the internal preparation of the messenger. The messenger is the proof of the message.

When I reflect on my journey, I remember that my heart broke open to the saving power and grace of Jesus, but I still could not allow Him to enter. I was almost there... but I just could not surrender. I now understand what happened. Christians did not trust the Spirit enough to back off. What was in the way and in between me and Christ - were Christians. True servant attitude and humility gives us wisdom to say, "Holy Spirit, I need you. Holy Spirit, I have been obedient. Holy Spirit, I have done my part. But I trust your power. It is time for me to move out of the way, so that you can unleash your power into the heart of your child."

We must not only understand, but trust and believe that the Holy Spirit has the ultimate transforming power to direct the hearts of people, cultures and even an entire generation to Kingdom principles and values. The only thing that stands in the way of God's movement... is you and I.